Academic Year: 2023-2024
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur
Choice Based Credit System, Syllabus for B.A. Part-I
Military Science (N.C.C.) Optional Paper I
(w.e.f. June 2019-20)
Theory 25 Marks + Practical 25 Marks = 50 marks. (Four Credits)
University Assessment: i) 20 Marks Theory Examination
ii) 20 Marks Practical Examination
College Assessment (Internal Evaluation) = i) 5 Marks Home Assignment,
ii) 5 Marks Practical
Total Credits= 04 (four Credits)
Semester I Paper I
Sr. No. Chapter Theory Practical Total
1 N.C.C. Organization 04 04 08
2 Drill Training 02 16 18
3 Map Reading 08 16 24
4 First- Aid 08 12 20
5 Field Craft 08 12 20
Total 30 60 90
Semester II Paper II
Sr. No. Chapter Theory Practical Total
1 Weapon Training 06 16 22
2 Leadership 06 - 06
3 Civil Defense 06 12 18
4 Social Service 08 12 20
5 Adventure Training 04 20 24
Total 30 60 90
Military Science (N.C.C.) Optional Paper I
Syllabus (Boys)
(w.e.f. June 2019-20)
Semester I Paper I
A) N.C.C. Organization:-
i) General Introduction to Defense Services.
ii) Army
iii) Navy
iv) Air Force
v) System of N.C.C. Training.
vi) Organization of N.C.C., Motto and Objectives of N.C.C.
vii) N.C.C. Song.
B) Drill Training :-
i) Attention, Stand at ease and stand easy, turning and inclining at the halt.
ii) Sizing, forming up to three ranks, Numbering and close order march and
iii) Saluting at the halt, Getting on Parade, Falling out &Dismissing.
iv) Marching length of pace and time of Marching.
v) Marching in quick time and halt.
C) Map Reading :-
i) Introduction to map and Conventional Signs.
ii) Cardinal points and Finding North.
iii) Service Protector, Prismatic Compass and its use.
iv) Setting a Map and Finding Own Position.
v) Night March chart and Point- to-Point March.
D) First Aid :-
i) The principles of First-Aid.
ii) Structure and Function of the body.
iii) Kinds of Fracture.
iv) Injuries to Internal organs.
v) First-Aid Emergences.
E) Field Craft:-
i) Field Signals.
ii) Judging Distance and its methods.
iii) Section Formation.
iv) How are things seen?
Military Science (N.C.C.) Optional Paper II
Semester II Paper II
A) Weapon Training:-
i) Characteristics of a rifle, Ammunition & its fire power.
ii) Characteristics of LMG, Ammunition & its fire power.
iii) Stripping and Assembling, Care and Cleaning and Sight Setting.
iv) Loading, Unloading and Bolt Manipulation.
v) The lying position and holding.
vi) Trigger control and firing a shot.
B) Leadership :-
i) Discipline and Duty.
ii) Duties of good citizen.
iii) Leadership Traits.
iv) Customs of the Services.
v) Man Management.
C) Civil Defense :-
i) Introduction to Civil Defense.
ii) Definition, Organization and Services.
iii) Air raid system of warning and measures for protection against high
explosive bombs.
iv) Fire Fighting Equipments, Fire Fighting Operation and Fire Fighting
v) Home Guard and Services.
D) Social Service :-
i) Aid for maintenance of essential Service.
ii) Aid during Natural Calamities.
iii) Aid during Development Project.
iv) Social Service activities done in N.C.C.
E) Adventure Training :-
i) Necessity and Planning of Adventure Training.
ii) Cycle Expedition.
iii) Trekking.
Reference Books:-
1. ºÉÆ®úIÉhɶÉɺjÉ +ÉÊhÉ ºÉÆPÉ]õxÉÉ - Lt.Col. M.G. Abhyankar
EäòºÉ®úÒ ¨ÉÖpùhÉɱɪÉ, 568, xÉÉ®úɪÉhÉ {Éä`ö, {ÉÖhÉä - 30
2. ªÉÖvnù ÊVÉYÉɺÉÉ - Lt.Col.B.T. Paranjape.
3. Military - Directorate General, N.C.C.
[Trg/A] Ministry of Defence, New Delhi.
4. Cadet Hand Book - Directorate General, N.C.C.
[Trg/A] Ministry of Defence, New Delhi.
5. Manual of First-Aid - Director of Civil Defence, State of Maharashtra.
6. Science Pamphlet - 1967- Army Headquarters.
7. +ÉvÉÖÊxÉEò |ÉlɨÉÉä{ÉSÉÉ®ú–b÷Éì. Ê´É. xÉÉ. ¦ÉÉ´Éä
|ÉEòɶÉEò - +xÉÉlÉ Ê´ÉtÉlÉÔMÉÞ½þ, {ÉÖhÉä
8. Civil Defence - Warden's Manual - Director C.D. Maharashtra.
9. Cadet Campaign India (1st revaluation and Impacts by S.C.Maikap )
10. Indian Armed Force Year-Book.
11. N.C.C. Yearly Magazine.
12. A Hand-Book of First-Aid by Dr.V.N.Bhave.
13. Encyclopedia Britannica.
14. Army Wing (Girls) N.C.C. Training Syllabus.
Director General N.C.C., New Delhi.
1) OMR based exam PPT
2) Question bank for B and C certificate exam
3) Field Craft
5) Map Reading
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